Taming hypersound: Russian military technologies are ruining the idea of ​​NATO supremacy

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Dmitry Sergeev 09:45 08/04/2018

In the new issue of the "Military Acceptance" program on the "Zvezda" TV channel, journalist Aleksey Egorov will open the veil of secrecy as to how new means of protection against air strikes are being created and improved.

The Central Research Institute of the Air and Space Defense Troops of Russia is one of the most closed military institutions. It is clear why: system design is set up here and operational-strategic substantiation of works related to testing, operation and use of weapons and military equipment of air defense (aerospace) defense is conducted, and research and analysis of enemy attack weapons from the air and from space are organized. A powerful scientific school, developed modern methodology of research, own laboratory base - all this allows scientists in epaulets to develop effective and in many ways unique defensive systems and technologies.

An interesting fact is that 70 doctoral and over one thousand candidate dissertations were defended at the Institute, and the titles of scientists were awarded to fifteen scientists, the formation of which took place within the walls of this research institute. In the new issue of the Military Acceptance program on Zvezda, journalist Aleksey Egorov, the first of the media, will reveal the veil of secrecy about how new air defense systems are being created and improved, what technical innovations are being introduced and what military scientists are offering to ensure reliable security of the country in the aerospace sphere.

Get the "invisible"

Deputy Defense Minister Yury Borisov, who oversees the development and delivery of new weapons and military equipment, does not hide: institutions that must monitor global trends and not miss new challenges and threats in the military sphere, finding a kind of "antidote", have each type and kind of troops. For example, in the Central Research Institute of the Air Forces, NATO fighters and bombers, Israeli and American drone drones, US cruise and hypersonic missiles, spy satellites are closely studying. Combat means with the DARPA symbol (Office of Advanced Research Projects of the United States Department of Defense) are also available. It is, for example, a GBI anti-ballistic missile designed to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles. True, this is an exact copy, but Russian military specialists need it,

Sergei Nesterov, Senior Researcher of the Central Research Institute of the East Kazakhstan Defense Ministry, is one of the world's best specialists in combat radar and stealth technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences. According to him, using such models, the reflection of missiles in the radar range is studied. By the way, not only missiles. The Institute has created a unique collection of models of foreign aircraft, which allows you to study their characteristics with maximum accuracy. The French Rafale is a fourth-generation multi-role fighter, the fifth-generation F-22 fighter, their models have already been studied. Like the strategic bomber B-2, created by the advanced technology for its time, "stealth". Sergei Nesterov says: even ten years before this machine was adopted by the Americans into service, our military scientists have already investigated it, revealed all the characteristics. In particular, the specialists studied the aircraft and passed the received data to the antenna designers. After that the vaunted "stealth" ceased to be for us "invisible", which was shown by the events in Yugoslavia, when the Serbs shot down it with the help of our station.

Vulnerable hypersound

Today's sphere of close attention is the hypersonic means of destruction. Everything starts with standard procedures: calibration of measuring means with the help of a standard calibration reflector, creating conditions under which different viewing angles are simulated. All factors, including the size of the object, are taken into account. Priority attention is paid to studying the properties of the reflection of our radar signals by missiles of enemy missile defense systems. By the way, the technologies for developing countermeasures against air strikes in this institute have been adopted abroad, and among the first they were copied ... Americans!

We, in turn, evaluate the means of air attack manufactured abroad. In the Central Research Institute of Air Force, the models of all aircraft, which are in service in the armies of the NATO countries - not only modern, but also promising, are explored. The only goal is to create an effective weapon capable of combating these funds.

... The authority of scientists of this scientific center is undeniable. What can I say, it was here that the impenetrable defense system of Moscow was created. Major-General of the Central Military Research Institute of Reserve Major-General Sergey Yagolnikov tells an interesting story. It turns out that the task of protecting the sky of the capital in due time was put personally by Joseph Stalin. His "technical specification" was short: the air defense system must destroy at least thousands of enemy aircraft from any direction. Such a system, however, was created after the death of the leader, it consisted of 22 radar stations and 56 S-25 air defense missile systems. By the way, in the subsequent on the basis of this series, the requirements for the creation of next-generation systems, mobile - S-75, C-125, S-200, were developed. And they were replaced by modern complexes - S-300 and S-400, now known throughout the world.

It should be noted that in this scientific center drafts of tactical and technical assignments have been developed at various times and military-scientific support for virtually all types of weapons and military equipment for the country's air defense has been carried out, and this is not only the above-mentioned systems of anti-aircraft missile forces, but also a prospective self-propelled ZRPK " Pantsir ", fighters - from MiG-29 to Su-27, more than four dozen weapons and military equipment of radio engineering troops, various automated control systems for troops and weapons.


A significant place in the scientific activity of the Institute is the creation of means of protecting aviation equipment. For example, it was here that we helped reduce the radar visibility of our MiG-31 interceptor fighters. The totality of the measures taken during the creation of this machine-the correction of the design of the airframe, the use of radio-absorbing materials-made it possible to reduce the visibility of the aircraft almost ... a hundred times!

To study the possibilities of counteraction to radar facilities, these means are also carefully studied. The whole radar range in which the radar stations of armies of foreign states operate is studied at the institute. Such a "collection" of antennas, which is assembled in this scientific center, is no longer to be found, not just in Russia - all over the world! The work is carried out not only with the air, but also with outer space. Today it is no secret that Russian cosmonauts conducted experiments in the interests of creating a space echelon of missile defense. General Yagolnikov specifies: on the space ships special equipment was placed that fixed the launches of ballistic missiles, then this information was passed on to the developers of the ABM systems. This is how the stations for warning about the missile attack "Dniester" and "Dnepr" subsequently appeared.

In general, confrontation in the air, in space is a struggle of minds, characters, technologies. Our scientists have learned to recognize ("select") the false goals that American ICBMs produce in outer space, diverting tracking from real combat blocs. To create an accurate image of the goal, not only the form of the object under study is recreated, but also the material from which it was made. A collection of such materials is also available in the Central Research Institute of the VVKO. It, for example, was notably replenished with fragments of an American aircraft shot down by the air defense forces of Yugoslavia during the NATO aggression in the Balkans. Fragments of the skin of the machine also made it possible to determine the characteristics of the radar reflectance of the object. And the elements of another means, UAV, shot down in this region, made it possible to conduct practical experiments and understand what means this object can be hit in the air.

Charged laser

To prospective studies can be attributed and work on measuring laser-location characteristics of goals, also conducted in this institute. Head of the Central Research Institute VVKO Andrei Smirnov reveals the algorithms: the laser beam propagates along the given path, the object is "highlighted", and the reflected signal is output in the laser range in the form of an inverse reflection diagram. Thanks to these studies, our scientists receive data on the reflective characteristics of all means of air attack - from aircraft to rockets. The information obtained is used to create opto-electronic systems for our combat vehicles already.

It is important to emphasize that in the course of research specialists take into account all the points that can really be present on the sample under study. For example, models are painted with the same paint as the real combat assets of the enemy, they heat up (after all, in flight, they are heated because of air resistance). According to Andrei Smirnov, the temperature dependences are calculated using a schematic simulation and based on real conditions. These data are also needed to monitor the missile in the infrared range.

By the way, the technique used by the specialists of this institute makes it possible to produce the necessary studies, as they say, all over the spectrum. For example, with the help of a mobile optical-electronic measuring system, the radiative and reflective characteristics of aircraft in the optical wavelength range can be fixed. Capture and monitor the characteristics of the object can be even in the case of a small-sized quadrocopter. Ruslan Yegouzhokov, head of the department of specialized measuring radar stations at the Central Research Institute of the VVKO, says that the image can be obtained at once on six optical channels in various bands, including infrared, ultraviolet, and thermal imaging channels.

In the study box there are fixed parameters of NATO fighters, including those who have switched to the so-called low-visibility regime. The machines with this mobile system were also tested for their visibility, including a promising front-line aviation complex T-50 (Su-57). In general, as they say at the institute, almost all flying vehicles that have become objects of research at the Central Research Institute of the Air Force are registered in memory of our complexes. The formation of such a "file cabinet" allows to solve the task of prompt recognition of targets, to exclude the possibility of accidental destruction of their objects. 
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