Russian warplanes 'HARASS US destroyer near Syria' as tensions reach BREAKING POINT

Su-30SM - Image: TASS

A RUSSIAN warplane "harassed" a US destroyer loaded with tomahawk missiles near Syria today, according to Turkish news agency IHA, as tensions soar after a chemical gas attack on Syrian civilians allegedly carried out by Assad's regime.


The USS Donald Cook, a Raleigh Burke-Class missile destroyer, was shadowed by the Russian planes around 100km from Tartus on Syria’s Mediterranean coast, according to reports.

The American warship had left the port of Larnaca in Cyprus, when it was allegedly approached by the Russian plane shortly afterwards, news agency IHA claims.

The news comes after a Russian warplane flew over a French warship at low altitude in the eastern Mediterranean over the weekend in a deliberate breach of international regulations, a French naval source told Reuters.

The incidents came amid heightened tensions between Russia, Syria, and the US following Syria’s suspected chemical weapons attack on April 7.......Read rest of article: HERE

Taking the World to the Brink

As American drums beat again for war, Rick Sterling steps back to contemplate the possible consequences this time.

By Rick Sterling Special to Consortium News

Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria.

As a dangerous prelude, Israeli jets flying over Lebanese airspace fired missiles against the T4/Tiyas Airbase west of Palmyra following reports on Sunday of a chemical weapons attack in Douma, a suburb of Damascus under rebel contorl.

As reported at Tass, the Chief of Russia’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, predicted the alleged use of chemicals almost a month ago. The report from March 13 says, “Russia has hard facts about preparations for staging the use of chemical weapons against civilians by the government forces. After the provocation, the US plans to accuse Syria’s government forces of using chemical weapons … furnish the so-called ‘evidence’ … and Washington plans to deliver a missile and bomb strike against Damascus’ government districts.”

Gerasimov noted that Russian military advisors are staying in the Syrian Defense Ministry’s facilities in Damascus and “in the event of a threat to our military servicemen’s lives, Russia’s Armed Forces will take retaliatory measures to target both the missiles and their delivery vehicles.”

The situation is clearly fraught with the risk of sliding into international conflict between the two biggest nuclear weapons powers with all that that implies. Civilization itself is being put in peril so that the West can continue supporting sectarian armed groups seeking to overthrow the Assad government, in violation of international law and the UN Charter.

The most powerful country in the world is now led by a real estate, hotel and entertainment mogul without political experience. Behind the scenes, there is an entrenched foreign policy establishment determined to maintain and reclaim U.S. unilateral “leadership” of the world. American leaders fear that the U.S. is losing influence, prestige and power around the world. Israel and Saudi Arabia are seing their designs on regional dominance failing.

East Ghouta, Damascus

East Ghouta is a district of farms and towns on the north-east outskirts of Damascus. For the past six years, various armed factions controlled the area. On a nearly daily basis, they launched mortar and hell cannon missile attacks into Damascus, and have killed thousands of civilians. This author personally witnessed two such mortar attacks in April 2014.......Read rest of article: HERE

Divided UN falters in response to alleged Syria chemical attack

Russia vetoes resolution to investigate apparent toxic gas assault; Nikki Haley: 'Russia has trashed the credibility of the council'

UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — Russia on Tuesday vetoed a US-drafted United Nations Security Council resolution that would have set up an investigation into chemical weapons use in Syria following an alleged toxic gas attack in rebel-held Douma.

It was the 12th time that Russia has used its veto power at the council to block action targeting its Syrian ally.

A rival measure put forward by Moscow failed to garner enough votes for adoption, laying bare the divisions within the council over Syria as the threat of Western military action loomed large.......Read rest of article: HERE

Russia Insight
Published on Apr 10, 2018
BREAKING: There Has Been NO Chemical Attack in Douma, It's A False Flag Op!

Russia Insight
Published on Apr 10, 2018
BREAKING: SYRIANGIRL Explains Who Is Behind The Latest "Chemical Attack" In Douma, Syria

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