Saab Bound for Naval Grand Slam?

FNS Pori (’83’), the newest of the four Hamina-class vessels, underway. Source: Merivoimat FB

As the modernisation of the Finnish Navy’s surface fleet continues, Saab has managed to secure two key contracts. Earlier, it was announced that Saab would provide the new anti-submarine torpedoes set to be fielded by both the modernised Hamina-class FAC as well as the new Pohjanmaa-class corvettes (Squadron 2020). In many ways this was the low hanging fruit for Saab. Not only is development of their new torpedo well underway with Sweden as the launch customer, it is also based on proved technology in the form of the earlier Torpedo 45, making it possible to operate the older version from the installed tubes until the new Torpedo 47 is ready. Perhaps crucially, it is one of few weapons of its class designed with an eye to use in littoral and brackish waters, key features of the operating environment of the Finnish Navy.

Leadship of the class, FNS Hamina (’80’) two years ago. Note forward 57 mm main gun, roof-mounted CEROS 200, and 12.7 mm NSV heavy machine gun behind bridge. Source: Merivoimat FB

This week Saab landed a bigger fish, as it was announced that they will provide the combat management system, fire-control system, integrated communication systems, as well as optronic sensors for the Hamina MLU. The odd bird out is the fact that the order include the CEROS 200 optronic sensor, which is already fitted to the vessels. Either these are worn out to the extent that buying newer is cheaper from a maintenance point of view, or there have been internal upgrades of the CEROS 200 since the original deliveries almost twenty years ago that have not been reflected in the name of the product, but are extensive enough to warrant buying complete units and not simply giving the CEROS its own MLU.

Another interesting inclusion is the Trackfire remote weapon station, with the Hamina now being the third class in the Finnish Navy to receive the RWS. The use of the Trackfire on the Hamina isn’t specified, but the wording in the press release does seem to indicate a single system per ship. As such, while it is possible that two stations per vessel will replace the port and starboard manually operated 12.7 mm NSV heavy machine guns mounted amidships, the likelier scenario is that they will take the place of  the main armament. There has been talk (so far unconfirmed?) that the main 57 mm guns (Bofors Mk 3) of the Hamina vessels will be removed as weight saving measures and transferred to the four Pohjanmaa-class vessels, and this would fit right in. While the Trackfire is usually seen fitted with a heavy machine gun as the main armament, it is capable of holding “lightweight medium calibre cannons”, i.e. weapons up to and including low-pressure 30 mm ones. This is not an unheard of solution, with e.g. the Israeli Typhoon RWS being used with a number of the different Bushmaster-series of cannons as the main or secondary gun on a number of different naval vessels out there. A 30 mm Bushmaster, the Mk 44, is already found in Finnish service on the CV 9030 IFV, but before anyone gets too enthusiastic it should be noted that this uses a longer high-pressure round, so there is no synergy to be had. Instead, something like the M230LF, based on the chain gun found on the Apache helicopter, is the more likely candidate.

Dropping down in calibre from 57 to 30 mm is not necessarily a bad thing, as the main use of the weapon will likely be air defence and intercepting light craft. Modern 30 mm rounds will do quite some damage against soft targets such as warships as well, though naturally you won’t win a gun fight against a large vessel sporting a 3 or 5 inch gun anytime soon (to be fair, if you find your FAC up against a destroyer at gun range something has likely gone very wrong already at an earlier stage of the battle).

Jehu-class landing craft with a Trackfire RWS on top of the superstructure. For the landing crafts the usual mount is either a 12.7 mm NSV or a 40 mm GMG, with a 7.62 mm PKM as a co-axial weapon. Source: Merivoimat FB

At the heart of the Hamina order is the 9LV, an open architecture system which allows integration of different sub-systems, sensors, and weapons into a single integrated package. As such, different building blocks can be integrated into CMS systems from other manufacturers, or other manufacturers’ subsystems can be integrated into the 9LV CMS. That Saab gets this kind of a complete deal including both the CMS, FCS, integrated communication systems, and part of the weaponry is significant, especially when looking towards the soon to be decided contract for a main systems integrator for the Pohjanmaa-class, a job which will likely be of significantly higher value than the Hamina MLU.

The main implications is that this makes Saab the front-runner for the Pohjanmaa-class CMS. Earlier the Rauma-class FAC received the 9LV during its MLU, and now on the Hamina 9LV is replacing Atlas Elektronik’s ANCS 2000-system. While the requirements for the CMS of the Hamina and the Pohjanmaa are not completely identical, there certainly is something to be said when the former replaces one of the shortlisted CMS’s with the another one, instead of simply upgrading it. It should also be remembered that several subsystems, including most weapons, will be the same for both vessels.

Yet another noteworthy development is that Saab recently announced a new fixed face version of their Sea Giraffe, in the form of the Sea Giraffe 4A FF. I have earlier questioned whether Saab’s twin rotating mast solution would satisfy the requirements of the Navy, and it seems clear that the 4A FF is a possible solution for the Pohjanmaa’s main long-distance sensor. As Saab is also well positioned to secure the order for the new PTO2020 surface-to-surface missile, they just might be on track to secure all major Finnish naval contracts they are bidding for.

Original post:


The unique configuration of Trackfire provides a true Stabilised Independent Line Of Sight (SILOS). As the independently stabilised Sensor Module is decoupled from the weapon/s axes (and hence isolated from weapon recoil effects), the operator is able to maintain the line of sight on the target, thereby greatly reducing target acquisition times.

Furthermore, this configuration enables a target to be continuously lased during the engagement sequence; thereby providing a true comprehensive ballistic calculation including 3D target prediction.

The Trackfire RWS provides exceptional capabilities across the full operational spectrum and enhances force multiplication through reliability, superior hit performance and adaptable modularity.
Trackfire consists of the following components:
  • Director Unit (DU)
    • Sensor Module (SM)
  • Human Machine Interface (HMI)
    • Gunners Display (GD)
    • Fire Control Panel (FCP)
    • Control Handle (CH)
    • Video Tracker (VT)
Trackfire RWS provides the hit performance required to engage threats effectively under all conditions. Trackfire has been developed with the operator in mind.

All primary functionality is ergonomically presented on the Human Machine Interface (HMI), ensuring that Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) cycles are near instantaneous without the operator having to break visual contact with the Gunners Display (GD).

A dual command facilitates shared capabilities, shorter response times and reduced sensor-to-shooter cycles. Fully prepared for the integration into other platform systems, target and image data can be transmitted within the platform as well as to and from other systems and platforms.

A wide range of weapon effects (including complimentary solution such as Non-Lethal effectors) can be mounted, often in combination with one another.

The operator is able to select from the mounted effect with just a switch of a button on the HMI – the embedded Fire Control Computer does the rest. System flexibility also means that both NATO and Eastern Bloc weapons can be mounted.

For maximum crew protection, all Trackfire RWS operations can be performed from below armour or deck, thereby increasing their fightability whilst removing them from harm’s way.
Graceful degradation also ensures system functionality in the event of battlefield damage or a malfunction and a reversionary mode ensures that full crew-served operation is still possible.

Trackfire RWS is designed to meet all operational requirements, ranging from small craft in severe weather conditions to Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFV) moving at high speed through challenging terrain – all whilst engaging the target with the highest degree of precision

  • Smoke Grenade Launchers (SGL)
  • Full training suite, ranging from laser-based Integrated Gunnery Trainer (IGT) through to desktop/classroom synthesis training environments
  • Dual Command
  • Appliquée Armour
  • Integration with platform sub-systems, including:
  • Battlefield Management Systems (BMS) / Combat Management System (CMS)
    • Navigation Systems
    • Defensive Aides Suites (DAS)
    • Video Distribution System (VDS)
    • Health & Usage Monitoring Systems (HUMS)

The Trackfire RWS provides exceptional capabilities across the full operational spectrum and enhances force multiplication through reliability, superior hit performance and adaptable modularity. The system consists of the following components:

Consisting of the Fire Control Panel (FCP), Control Handle (CH) and Gunners Display (GD); the HMI is intuitive to operate. The menu structure has a logical hierarchy to ensure the Operator is able to maintain visual contact of the situation picture via the GD, whilst simultaneously having access to all system primary functionality.

A wide range of small, medium and heavy Machine Guns, Automatic Grenade Launchers (AGL), lightweight medium calibre cannons, as well as Non-Lethal Effects (NLE) can all be integrated; many of which can be simultaneously mounted to enable a graded effects capability.

As a self-contained sub-system, the Sensor Module (SM) provides CCD TV, IR and Laser Range Finder (LRF) channels for the operator. The modular approach allows for a wide range of visual and infra-red sensors to be integrated dependent on User requirements. A wash/wipe capability can also be incorporated. Source:

Torpedo 47

Torpedo 47 is Sweden's new lightweight torpedo system for defense against foreign submarines. FMV has contracted Saab AB to develop, produce and integrate the system. The cooperation also includes FOI (the Swedish Defence Research Agency) and the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF).

There are major challenges in locating and attacking foreign submarines in the Baltic Sea. The factors that contribute to the difficulties are the shallow waters of the Baltic Sea, with a topography and a bottom that challenges the sonar systems. The brackish water, the complexities of the archipelago and the intensive sea traffic are further aggravating factors.
These factors set tough requirements on the torpedo’s ability to:

  • Localize and identify submarines
  • Navigate under water
  • Communicate with the firing platform
The sensor system that will localize and identify submarines is tailor made for the environment in the Baltic Sea. Depending on the local environment the torpedo must have the ability to alter speed, navigate with high accuracy and communicate efficiently with the firing platform.

The new torpedo system is primarily intended for the Swedish submarines and Visby-class corvettes. The system in also prepared for helicopter integration. 


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Hamina Class: Details
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